realpeople, realplaces, realstories
Here are a few clients, videos and creative ideas.
We shot this for the awesome Company Adecco
They are masters at putting people to work.
Their New York Marketing division was backed up with of ton of Web work and they needed this quick creative piece to open as an introduction to a Morning Key note.

We just completed a music video at their National Orlando Conference as a Theme and energizing tool. We shot on Monday and Tuesday morning Edited and they closed the conference with the finished piece.
Working live without a net.
Positec tools
They build Rockwell and Worx.
We don't shoot the "as seen on TV"stuff..we like the"out of the box and into the yard" creative and innovative Facebook and youtube post. , like a man using the tools in his own yard... waitI am that guy.
Biscuits say community.
I shot this in an hour and had it edited by the evening. I shot as it was happening. No closing the shop, no special lights just run and gun and mix the dough. A social media piece making a hero of a biscuit baker at Bojangles.
I 60-90 second spots for Providence Prep school.
Then I created these 10 second spots to send out in emails for parents to visit the new web site. You can say a great deal in 10 seconds.
Storyrealing and Mountain Khakis
We shot this as Grant was making some Winestakes we designed for friends. We have also done several shoots for Mountain Kahkis ( cool Company) So you will see their Logo in this type Style shoot.
Cool clothes for hard working people.
This is one of series I did for Buffalo Jackson Trading co. They are all about passing legacy items down to the next generation.